Purbanchal University

Yeti Multiple College

Yeti Multiple College is in Biratnagar, Morang. It is one of the Community Campus and a private organization, that provides Management and Education programs at the Bachelor level that is affiliated with Purbanchal University. This College has been recognized by the University Grants Commission. It infuses quality education at an affordable cost to students of Biratnagar City. This College has well-managed infrastructure and facilities such as a spacious building, library, cafeteria, conference hall, sports, and computer lab with internet connectivity, classroom supported by multimedia. Education counseling, sports, and scholarship facilities also.

At Yeti College the Faculty of teachers provide lessons for the Bachelor of Business Studies which is three years academic program of Purbanchal University. This program provides a broad understanding of the Business environment and functions of modern-day businesses such as the Departments of Accounting, Finance, and Marketing, along with an internship program with a total of 120 credit hours of study. The graduates of this program from Yeti Multiple College are trained result-oriented, and responsible Management professionals in a variety of fields of commerce and industrial services to the public.

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