Tribhuvan University(TU)

Bhakti Adarsha Multiple Campus

Bhakti Adarsha Multiple Campus is a community-based Campus in Bhotewodar, Lamjung. It is supported by the University Grants Commissions, Nepal. Currently, it offers Bachelor level programs such as Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Business Studies academic programs affiliated with Tribhuvan University. This College is located in a serene and calm atmosphere in a spacious building. The academic programs are run by eminent teachers who are researchers and highly skilled. They have acquired experience by teaching community students of Lamjung in English and Nepali mediums. 

Bhakti Adarsha Multiple Campus has already educated 85 students in the Bachelor of Education program and 89 students with business concepts and functions in their Bachelor of Business Studies program.


  • Libraries
  • Computer Labs, ICT lab.
  • Transportation
  • Sports and recreation
  • Cultural programs
  • Full-time teaching faculty
  • Cafeteria
  • Multimedia Classrooms
  • Counseling
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Auditorium
  • Education tour
  • Scholarships for needy and deserving students

BBS in Bhakti Adarsha Multiple Campus:

The Bachelor of Business Studies program is a four years program designed by the Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University to provide operational knowledge of business functions and business environment on a national and global scale for students. It provides concentration subject areas in Marketing and Finance. To become eligible, students must score a minimum second division with D+ in all subjects in Plus2 Management or equivalent boards recognized by Tribhuvan University. Apart from classroom lectures, students are provided practical knowledge such as field visits, report writing, case studies, seminars, workshops, etc.


Bhotewodar, Lamjung Nepal (Gandaki province).

Phone: 065-691464

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