Bhaktapur Colleges Tribhuvan University(TU)

Adarsha Azad College

Adarsha Azad College is in Bhelukhel, Bhaktapur. It runs secondary school, higher secondary school and Bachelor level program such as Bachelor of Business Studies, Bachelor of Education affiliated to Tribhuvan University at affordable fees. These programs are for educating and grooming students in areas of Humanities, Education and Management streams and producing competitive graduates in market. The Principal of this College is Mr. Sri Krishna Kisee. The Board of Directors panels of Adarsha Azad College are educators, Professionals of working field.  This College also provides scholarships to financially weak but bright students. This College is well facilitated to provide studies inside classrooms and conjunct to resources such as library, sports, science lab, conference hall, parking which students can use over daily.  Adarsha Azad College was established in 2008. It is a Community College that aims to provide higher level of quality education to all students and prepare them for landing at rewarding careers ahead by the backing of teaching faculties, administrators and non-teaching staffs.

Phone number: 01-6610580

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